Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
The USGS and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) are mandated by Congress to provide a National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) of standardized geoscience information. By working together on this Database and the standards that support it, the USGS and the states also improve their own ability to deliver geologic map and related products to their users. Information about the wide range of activities managed by the NGMDB are available at The NGMDB provides many resources to aid the field geologist and the GIS and cartographic specialists who help prepare maps and databases. For example: 1) the U.S. Geologic Names Lexicon ("GEOLEX"), a standard reference for the Nation's stratigraphic nomenclature; 2) the Geoscience Map Catalog and Image Library, which help people find and view geologic maps; 3) a website containing links to various map and database standards, map templates, publication guidelines, and other resources; and 4) the annual Digital Mapping Techniques workshops and Proceedings volumes, which serve as an effective venue for documenting and collaborating on, for example, field data-capture techniques, and the map preparation techniques and standards under development by the Nation's geological surveys. In cooperation with other U.S. and Canadian agencies, the NGMDB is defining map and database standards. These standards include a science terminology, a conceptual data model and an "implementation" of the data model in ArcGIS, a terminology for describing locational accuracy of geologic features in the field, and map symbols and patterns. These standards are specifically designed for use by geologists, GIS and cartographic specialists, and information managers. We anticipate that the standards will help each agency to better prepare, manage, and serve geologic maps and databases to the public. Further, these standards should increase the utility of our products for various purposes including managing ground water and land resources.