2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007)

Paper No. 12
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


BAKER, Richard G., Department of Geoscience, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, dick-baker@uiowa.edu

This abstract offers access to over 2600 images of geologic features, mostly from U.S. national parks, which can be copied without charge for educational use. These images were scanned at high resolution and placed in an archival collection which can be used by permission for publications. The collection was also saved at lower resolution for use in Powerpoint or other presentation software for classroom use. It can be accessed at: http://cdm.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/geoscience.

The screen that comes up shows the first 20 images in the collection. Select (click on) an image, and an enlarged view appears with metadata provided below. The collection is searchable in several ways. Choose the park name in the metadata, and all images will be shown for that park. Alternatively, select an item listed after, for example, the subject categories, and all images on the subject will be shown, regardless of park. A specific search engine is also available by selecting Advanced Search at the top of the page. Click “Selected Fields” and choose a field to search. Choosing “Show Terms” will provide a list of topics under each field. Select a term and then click on search, and you will see all items fitting that term.

Once you have an image you wish to use, you need only to copy and paste it into Powerpoint or other presentation program.