2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007)

Paper No. 4
Presentation Time: 2:20 PM


BARRIE, Craig David1, BOYLE, Alan P.2, PRIOR, David J.3, BOYCE, Adrian J.4, WILKINSON, Jamie J.5 and CROWTHER, Helen5, (1)elementar Americas, Inc, 520 Fellowship Road, Suite D-408, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-3409, (2)Earth & Ocean Sciences, Univ of Liverpool, 4 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L69 3GP, (3)Earth & Ocean Sciences, Univ of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 3GP, (4)Isotope Geoscience Unit, Scottish Universities Environmental Rsch Centre, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0QF, United Kingdom, (5)Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, craig.barrie@elementaramericas.com

Colloform textures are common in sulphide ore deposits and involve the sequential formation of texturally distinct microcrystalline layers. Here we present the first detailed study of the microstructure and S-isotope composition of colloform sphalerite from the Galmoy ore body in Ireland as part of an investigation into the utility of using colloform structures as proxies for changing environmental factors during mineral deposit formation. Detailed petrographic, crystallographic, chemical and in situ laser S isotope data reveal a series of layers which can be explained in terms of an 8 stage development history. In situ laser S-isotope analysis reveals dramatic variations in the δ34S signature from -25‰ to +10‰, indicating the colloforms developed from two distinct sources of sulphur. Values lighter than around -5‰ suggest a bacteriogenic S source, whereas heavier values suggest a hydrothermal source. Stage 1 in the colloform development is characterised by a δ34S of -25‰, a strongly bacteriogenic signature. Stages 2-4 show variable δ34S between -20 and +5‰ resulting from mixing of bacteriogenic and hydrothermal S-sources. During stages 2-4 there has clearly been an excursion of a hydrothermal S source, which upon mixing with the bacteriogenic source has resulted in variable δ34S. By stage 5 the principal S source is a hydrothermal one and characterised by a δ34S of +9‰. Stage 6 has a variable δ34S of between -4 and -8‰ suggesting that the hydrothermal source is waning and by stage 7 the S source is bacteriogenic with a δ34S of -12 to -18‰. Crystallographic analysis using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) indicates that within the samples there is variation in sphalerite crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) about either <100>, <110> or <111> crystallographic axes, and in some cases no preferred orientation developed. While there is some correlation between changes in CPO and the S source, it is remarkable that the dramatic environmental changes recorded only heralds that the CPO will vary, not what orientation will subsequently develop suggesting S source is not a primary control on sphalerite CPO. Thus, factors such as growth rate, temperature, degree of supersaturation and trace element availability may be important in controlling the crystallographic development of sphalerite colloforms.