Numerous fluorescent dye-tracing (FDT) tests show that the ground-water seepage velocities in many different types of unconsolidated sediments and fractured rocks can be orders of magnitude faster than calculated standard measurements of hydraulic properties and hydraulic gradients. For example, the measured average linear velocities from fluorescent dye-tracing tests in a Triassic anhydrite/dolomite aquifer, a heavily-oil contaminated fluvial aquifer, a fractured bedrock aquifer, and a clayey unconfined aquifer were 20 to 110,000 times greater than the velocities calculated from routine hydraulic measurements.
FDTs also commonly show that groundwater flow directions deviate by refraction in the horizontal plane from the maximum direction of the hydraulic gradient. This refracted groundwater, if not recognized, may be the cause of why so many remediation strategies fail. Most FDTs confirm the presence of fast-flowing conduits and demonstrated the importance of preferential pathways at the project sites.
Our findings suggest that most conceptual hydrogeologic models need to include the possibility of fast-flowing, preferential groundwater flow. These can only be clearly defined using tracing techniques to determine the ground-water flow paths, effective seepage velocities, and accurate permeability estimates.