2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007)

Paper No. 46
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


JOHNSON, Claudia C.1, BEEKER, Charles D.2, BUDZIAK, Anna T.3, STEWART, Joshua D.4 and KAUFFMAN, Erle G.1, (1)Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 E. 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47405, (2)Kinesiology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, (3)Project AWARE Foundation, 30151 Tomas Street, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688, (4)IMP, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, claudia@indiana.edu

Indiana University marine archaeologists and underwater science experts placed cultural artifacts in 15 feet of water depth landward of a healthy reef near a popular international tourist resort in Bayahibe, Dominican Republic in 2002, and moved them to 25 feet depth in 2004. Cannons, cannon balls, ceramics and an anchor now serve as available artificial substrates for settling of coral larvae and incipient reef development in the government sanctioned 1724 Guadalupe Underwater Archaeological Preserve. Biologic and environmental data were acquired with scuba within the preserve to document coral recruits and marine water conditions in which they develop. The original iron substrates of the seven cannons and anchor were converted to calcium carbonate by natural shallow-water marine sourcing, including encrusting calcareous red algae and fleshy brown and green algae, especially Goniolithon. Documentation of these biologic resources and the environments in which they proliferate serves to preserve and promote continued development of the reef ecosystem and conservation of a marine resource. Coordinates for location of coral recruits on cannons were standardized as measured from cascabel to muzzle and position relative to top in left and right directions. Coral recruits on the anchor were measured along the shank from ring to palm. Species of Porites, Siderastrea, Diploria, Agaricia, and Meandrina colonized cannons and anchor and measured in centimeters on cannon tops. Adjacent to the cultural artifacts are prominent colonies of Dendrogyra, Colpophyllia, Montastrea, Agaricia, sponges and hydrozoans, suggesting immediately adjacent colonies may not be sourcing recruits. An ecological series of encrusters from algae to corals occurred on tops of canons whereas sponges were located on sides in lower light and/or higher sediment conditions. Coral recruits similar to these occur on protected sites throughout the Caribbean, and regional reef restoration may depend on such habitats where substrates are modified and coral larvae settle and attach in specific thermal, salinity, turbidity, and pH conditions.