Paleoflood data using bouldery flood deposits and non-inundation surfaces were used to document maximum flood discharges, and relative age methods were used to date paleofloods that have occurred during the last 10,000 years. Hydraulic reevaluation and paleoflood data for the 1938 flood of record (209 m3/s) at the SBC streamflow-gaging station at Eldorado Springs (42.1 km2) indicated the flood was overestimated by about 40%; the revised 1938 flood is 147 m3/s. The expected moments algorithm was used with stream gage data (annual peaks and a mixed-population analysis of annual rainfall and snowmelt peaks) and paleoflood data to better define flood-frequency relations. The revised 100-year flood is 102 m3/s. Analysis of paleoflood data also were used to define five distinct hydroclimatic regions for SBC. The most notable region extends from the base of the foothills west about 20 km (about 15% of the basin area) that is most prone to extreme flash flood producing storms. Snowmelt and low- to moderate- rainfall runoff regions define the remainder of the basin, and they contribute little to the largest floods. Paleoflood data also were used to define the footprint of the 1938 rainstorm, which is essentially the same as an independently reconstructed footprint of the 1938 rainstorm using historical rainfall data and meteorologic analysis. This cost-effective approach provided critical data to better understand Boulder's flood risk, which can be used in other regions.