The results illustrate that modern biotic activity affects the soil profile from the surface to the saprolite. Levels are highest in the E-horizon and decrease exponentially to the saprolite . This activity is consistent with the optical ages that increase exponentially with depth and indicate soil from all depths have previously been exposed to sunlight.
We propose a two-stage history: during the LGP surface deflation prevented topsoil development, however once vegetation cover increased, biotically-mounded soil was retained on slope, and a stone-free topsoil accumulated while the former lag sank to the depth-limit of biotic mining.
Hesse, P., Humphreys, G. S., Selkirk, P. M., Adamson, D. A., Gore, D. B., Nobes, D. C., Price, D. M., Schwenninger, J.-L., Smith, B., Tulau, M., and Hemmings, F., 2003, Late Quaternary aeolian dunes on the presently humid Blue Mountains, eastern Australia: Quaternary International, v. 108, p. 13-32.
Wilkinson, M. T., Chappell, J., Humphreys, G. S., Fifield, K., Smith, B., and Hesse, P. P., 2005, Soil production in heath and forest, Blue Mountains, Australia: influence of lithology and palaeoclimate: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 30, p. 923934. Erratum: v. 30, p. 1683-1685.