Detailed mapping involved walking flow fronts, examining the lithology of the lavas. We recognized 11 distinct lithologies based on phenocryst content and size, and groundmass. Close attention was paid to elucidating not only the basalt stratigraphy, but also the freshness of the each flow's surface, and the thickness and development of soils on both the flow top, and where possible between flows. In cases where flow margins were indistinct and lithologies varied greatly, we chose to group the flow(s?) and define them as a composite unit. Once the linework was completed and the basalt stratigraphy correlated, a systematic blob geology pattern emerged. This pattern of flows from clusters of vents allowed localized correlations and defined geographic subdivisions, used along with the lithology to name the ~400 flow units.
Temporal relations were further refined by building stratigraphic columns, concentrating first within and then across geographic subdivisions. Boxes, representing the time a unit cooled from a liquid, were placed vertically (in time). Placement was controlled first by stratigraphic relations, that were anchored, where available, by radiometric ages and then by the magneopolarity of a unit. The polarity was fit into accepted magnetopolarity reversal time scales. These boxes were then further adjusted up or down in time, based on the degradation of the flow surface, the maturity of soils, and thickness of soil zones between flows, among numerous criteria.