In the past twenty years, U-Pb geochronology of basaltic LIPs has led to a revolution in our understanding of the age, distribution, and causes of their emplacement. U-Pb technique has centered on dating of baddeleyite and zircon, with precisions as low as 0.1% or better (e.g. ±250 ky for Siberian Traps). However, as we increase precision, inter-technique and interlaboratory biases (U-Pb vs. Ar-Ar or Re-Os) become increasingly important. Within the U-Pb system alone, systematic bias related to U decay constant uncertainties is significant. For example, many Precambrian baddeleyites and zircons are slightly discordant, making the weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb date more precise, but also older than 206Pb/238U dates.
The EARTHTIME initiative seeks to understand and minimize these biases through detailed inter-technique comparisons and the distribution of common calibration and tracer solutions for U-Pb. In addition, because of ultra-small zircon and/or baddeleyite grain size in many mafic rocks, in-situ SIMS analyses of baddeleyite (Chamberlain, this session) have yielded considerable success. Another underappreciated geochronological tool in Precambrian mafic rocks is apatite. Apatite is often abundant and has a closure temperature for Pb diffusion of approximately 400°C, which also allows evaluation of thermal resetting of magnetic signatures. In many rocks weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb dates for slightly discordant apatite data can yield uncertainties of 0.1-0.2%. Such advances in high-precision U-Pb geochronology combined with other dating methods, paleomagnetism and paleontology will lead to an increased understanding of the importance of LIPs on the planet.