Abstract and Concept
This paper describes how proper management of airborne data contributes to an increase in knowledge of the chemistry of Earth's atmosphere. Before the mission, historical data are used by mission scientists to design the airborne campaign. During the field phase, flight planners use new data from each flight to lay out following flights. Post-mission, the newly-acquired data are archived for maximum accessibility to a wide range of interested parties, to include educators and the interested public as well as the mission participants. Throughout all phases of the mission, data specialists maintain close cooperation with mission scientists, flight planners, principal investigators, and potential users to ensure the data become useful knowledge. This paper focuses on this process as successfully implemented for INTEX-NA (INTEX-NA is defined below), and cites an example benefiting NOAA.
The Field
INTEX (the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment) is an atmospheric chemistry field mission seeking to understand the transport and behavior of gases and aerosols on transcontinental and intercontinental scales and their impact on air quality and climate. INTEX is a NASA contribution to a larger, global effort, ICARTT (International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation). A particular focus of the 2004 phase of INTEX (INTEX-NA, for Figure 1. The flight lines indicate the many regions of the world sampled during the heritage Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) and the recent INTEX campaigns. The broad arrow represents the flow of data through Data Collection and Archiving Data Management for the final phase of INTEX-NA has been completed. The web-based Principal Investigator Data Registration system and web-based data archive proved to be invaluable to mission scientists in making revisions to their data both in the field and after returning home, as they refined instrument calibrations and algorithms. NASA-sponsored aircraft serving as instrument platforms for the hundreds of data sets included the DC-8, SkyResearch J-31, and Proteus. The archive also hosts data sets from ground stations, satellites, national lighning-sensor and ozondesondes networks, and air mass trajectory and model calculations. These data are now publicly available on the web at and via FTP at The data have also been incorporated into a plotting tool at and into a Digital Atlas Tool The latter application displays altitude profiles (as well as statistical summaries) of chemical species measured on the DC-8 for the entire INTEX-NA mission. The archive also hosts merge products standardized to a common time-base for many species. 60-sec merges were created during the field phase of the mission and used for planning subsequent flights. For the preliminary and final phases of the mission, merges were created for a very wide variety of chemical species as needed by mission scientists. Links to the INTEX-NA mission summaries, data archive, and analysis tools can be accessed from Among these is the Satellite Predictor Tool, which yields the subtracks of an orbiting spacecraft along with the footprint paths of sensors selected by the user. This was particularly useful for planning flights to support validation of satellite instruments. Data Management and Formatting To support INTEX-NA, Enabling Science: An Example of Moving Data to Knowledge Enabling Science: an Example. Making use of data merge and overlay tools developed by Acknowledgements The REASoN-CAN Award. Through its REASoN-CAN grant Synergystic Data Support for Atmospheric Chemistry Field Campaigns,