Olivine-hosted melt inclusions were homogenised at 1200°C for 10 minutes under controlled redox conditions in a 1-atm gas-mixing furnace at Oregon State University. Host olivines are Fo 84-90, with a few crystals of Fo-92. We have analysed a total of 60 inclusions by electron microprobe. Correlations between inclusion FeO and host olivine Fo, and traverses across olivines adjacent to inclusions show that inclusion compositions have been modified by post-entrapment processes, which must be corrected for. Incompatible element ratios such as K/Ti are relatively unaffected by such processes. Most inclusions show a restricted range in K/Ti (0.13±0.03), but those in sample 332788 have higher average K/Ti and show more scatter (0.22±0.07). This sample has higher K/Ti (0.4) and lower 143Nd/144Nd than the other samples, consistent with assimilation of crustal material. The range in K/Ti in the inclusions suggests they potentially record different stages of the assimilation process, which will be evaluated by trace element data on the inclusions that we hope to obtain in the near future.
References: Graham et al. (1998) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 160, 241-255. Larsen et al. (2000) Journal of Petrology, 41, 1071-1098.