The North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project: Overview, Goals, Progress
The Project is based on low-density sample collection over a spatially balanced array of 13,215 sites for the North American continent (1 sample site per approximately 1,600 km2). There is a core set of samples to be taken at each site, and each country may add additional sample types to meet the needs of users. The core sampling protocols represent both depth-based and horizon-based samples. One depth-based sample is taken from 0 to 5 cm regardless of what soil horizon this represents. A composite of the A horizon and a composite of the C horizon are also collected at each site. The 0-5-cm and A-horizon samples are more likely to represent anthropogenic influence on soil composition, and the C-horizon sample will be more representative of geologic influence. Each sample is sieved to <2 mm and then ground to <150 µm prior to chemical analysis for over 40 major and trace elements. In addition, a separate sample of 0-5-cm soil will be collected for the determination of Bacillus anthracis (anthrax).
Sampling was initiated in 2007 and is expected to be completed in approximately ten years.