LectureTools: Promoting Student Engagement In Large Introductory Classes through Laptop-Based, Interactive Instruction
We will discuss our implementation and evaluation efforts of the IT-enhanced classroom, supported by the open-source program LectureTools (http://www.lecturetools.org), which uses web-based technologies for note-taking, PowerPoint mark-ups, animations, interactive quizzes, image manipulation and classroom feedback in large introductory classes at the University of Michigan. While successful and well-received by the students, our experiences also show that use of computers and interactive, wireless response systems requires a rethinking of the standard lecture approach and goals. In the web-enabled classroom it is neither possible nor necessary to cover the conventional amount of material in each lecture, as student multitasking (listening, note-taking, discussion and activities) is encouraged. While these changes to the classroom environment require that instructors teach in a more lively classroom setting and integrate hands-on activities in lecture materials, they result in a more active learning environment that better engages today's students.