Fe Crust In Spodosols. A Chemical Barrier towards Many Groundwater Contaminants
The interactions of Fe oxides and clays with a number of chemicals such as explosives (nitro-compounds), organic contaminants (chlorinated solvants), heavy metals (U, Cr, Hg, Se) and plant nutrients (nitrates) are also strongly correlated with the surface redox chemistry of these minerals in presence of Fe2+. A combination of XAFS, Môssbauer spectroscopy and AFM microscopy investigations lead to the identification of reaction pathways, reaction intermediate species, such as sorbed hydrogen, and reaction products. In this presentation we will analyse a few examples, which mechanisms have been identified.
The chemical barrier function of the iron crust in the field is finally discussed at the light of a detailed field study, performed on a uranium contaminated military field located in the South West of France.