Teaching Science Process and Relevance in a Large Introductory Oceanography Class
During some of the course versions students were asked to choose a country (from a given list) and write their science papers as if they were a science advisor to that country. They were asked to develop a point of view and make recommendations for action based on it. For example, recommendations for responding to natural disasters would be different for developed than it would for undeveloped countries. For example, the potential for natural disasters due to earthquakes will depend on the tectonic regime of a particular country.
The course activities were supported by the EarthEd Online software system, which includes class management features as well as data browsers, an image editor, and calibrated peer review writing software. EarthEd Online has been updated to emphasize easy implementation of the data browsing, editing, and content delivery features, with the writing and course management modules as add-ons. For more information, see http://learningwithdata.org/.