Landslide Mapping and Inventory Status in Pennsylvania
The PAMAP program will begin release of statewide Lidar elevation data in summer of 2008, with 3.2-foot gridded DEM and 2-foot contours. These new datasets offer an unprecedented opportunity to update and improve landslide inventory mapping, and for GIS analysis of topographic and geologic occurrence patterns of landslides.
Increasing use of GIS in our mapping has included development of a landslide geodatabase and initial digitizing of the landslide data from the Williamsport 1 x 2 degree quadrangle and six 7.5-minute quadrangles in the Pittsburgh area. These would serve as prototypes for a statewide inventory of landslide features.
Existing map inventory is supplemented by case files of individual slides known to survey staff through reports or direct investigations. Although far from complete, these files add information on time and type of occurrence, and in some cases cost and damage data.
A legislative task force, responding to a major slide event in Pittsburgh in 2006, has prepared draft legislation, which if passed, may direct DCNR, through the Topographic and Geologic Survey, to prepare new statewide geologic hazard maps. Information from the shared wisdom gained from the USGS and State Survey Landslide Inventory Steering Committee will provide an important foundation for future landslide mapping and inventory work in Pennsylvania.