2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM

Paper No. 9
Presentation Time: 4:00 PM

The Effect of Wildfire Events on the Frequency-Area Distribution of Debris-Laden Flow Contributing Areas


, karin.riley@umontana.edu

This project investigates how wildfire events affect the size and frequency of debris-laden flows in the northern Rocky Mountains. Previous workers have established that the occurrence of debris-laden flows increases following wildfires, but quantitative evaluations of this increase are lacking. In regions with short-duration high-intensity rainstorms, this increase is likely attributable to increased surface runoff, caused by wildfire's consumption of vegetation and duff, hydrophobicity, and ash filling soil interstices. Post-fire debris-laden flows commonly initiate through progressive bulking, during which increased surface runoff entrains sediments in small rills which feed into larger gullies. Sustained downcutting begins within a gully at the debris-laden flow initiation site. The contributing area, or the total hillslope area above the debris-laden flow initiation site, can be determined by mapping flow lines upslope from the initiation site to the ridgeline. Two burned areas in western Montana are studied: the Valley Complex of 2000 in the Sapphire Mountains, and the Red Eagle Fire of 2006 in Glacier National Park. The perimeters of debris-laden flow contributing areas in each burn will be mapped on aerial photos and high-resolution satellite imagery, and their areas calculated. Debris-laden flow contributing areas will also be mapped in an adjacent unburned area of equivalent acreage. Frequency-area distributions will be plotted and parameterized, and the distributions for the burned and unburned areas compared. We hypothesize that the frequency-area distributions will exhibit a power-law relationship, as this relationship has been documented in related natural phenomena including landslide and fire sizes. We expect that the distribution of debris-laden flows in recently burned areas is significantly different from that of adjacent unburned areas, with different slope and/or intercept parameters. By parameterizing the frequency-area distribution, the probability of a debris-laden flow of a certain size can be predicted, aiding in assessment of hazards to nearby resources and populations.