New High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data Show An Active Fault Linking the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin Fault Zones, Inner Continental Borderland, Southern California
In spring 2008, a new high-resolution seismic reflection survey was conducted in the area northwest of the northern end of the SDTFZ. These new data show that the CRF is inactive. The CRF is clearly onlapped by sediments that are probably much older than Holocene in age. In addition, there is no evidence for active faulting on a structure that would connect the northern end of the SDTFZ to the CRF. Instead, these new data reveal a previously unknown but apparently active fault zone along strike and in the area between the known strands of the SDTFZ and the SPBF. The SPBF had been previously mapped to extend from off of Santa Catalina Island north to near Point Dume. This newly recognized fault links the SDTFZ and SPBF, forming a continuous, active fault zone that extends about 250 km along the inner continental borderland, which may pose a more significant seismic hazard than previously recognized.