Teaching Geosciences: Putting Theory to Practice
Write out a personal teaching philosophy.
The act of reflecting on your ideas about teaching is powerful. It helps you identify where you are at and what teaching strategies best fit your approach to teaching. Teaching is both a science and an art, and there is no one size fits all' approach to this development. Examine your teaching philosophy periodically so you can see where you have come from.
Find a mentor.
Mentors can provide valuable and honest feedback and help you stay on track. Find someone you trust who has the qualities you are looking to develop within yourself.
In the classroom, change one thing at a time.
Rome wasn't built in a day neither are educationally effective courses. Start out implementing small, well-planned learning activities and build from there. Take time to collect data and evaluate the value of these learning activities.
Participate in a teaching development program.
Many colleges and universities offer faculty members the opportunity to participate in teaching development programs. These programs provide strategies to help with the challenges of teaching and a forum to connect with fellow educators.