Paper No. 11
Presentation Time: 2:20 PM
Avizo Avizo software is a powerful, multifaceted tool for visualizing, manipulating, and understanding scientific and industrial data. Wherever three-dimensional datasets need to be processed, in material sciences, geosciences or engineering applications, Avizo offers abundant state-of-the-art features within an intuitive workflow and easy-to-use graphical user interface. Avizo - Wind Edition The 3D Visualization Framework for Climatology Data In times when climatology data becomes more and more complex in respect to size, resolution and number of time steps, the German Climate Computing Centre in Hamburg (DKRZ) has chosen Mercury Computer Systems to develop an extension called ClimateViz based on their visualization framework Avizo (formerly know as amira). ClimateViz provides domain specific enhancements for Avizo like: NetCDF CF-1.0 Reader Supports regular, rectilinear, rotated and curvilinear grids Support for large data "Streaming" of time dependent data Utilization of main memory for caching of NetCDF-Data Geographical Projections Cylindric equidistant, spherical, Mollweide and many more "Earth" module high-level Textures, 3 Levels of detail scalable Elevation/Bathymetry Continental outlines and country borders Fast HW based Bump Shading for multiple scalar quantities on 2D Slices Particle Advection and Trajectories Volume Rendering for rectilinear grids Several other new interactive visualization techniques will be shown based on data by courtesy of MPI-M/DKRZ in Hamburg, GERMANY (see Figure 1). FIGURE 1 Showing a simulation of 81 time steps of a hurricane over the Mediterranean Sea. Interactively visualized with Vectors, BumpSlice and IsoSurface Rendering. Data by courtesy of MPI-M/DKRZ Hamburg. Avizo - Earth Edition The 3D Visualization Framework for Geoscience Data Avizo Earth Edition is the software suite that includes Avizo and all its extensions for interactive exploration, visualization, analysis, comparison, and presentation of geoscience data. This 3D visualization framework is the ideal solution, allowing you to import, manage, interact with, and visualize geoscience data from multiple sources within a single environment. Avizo Earth Edition includes the whole Avizo feature-set plus an advanced SEG-Y data importer and the XLVolume Pack which manages and visualizes very large amounts of volume data, up to terabytes. Avizo Earth Edition addresses several geosciences needs: Quality control (QC) of 3D seismic data Multi-discipline project review Final project presentation Core sample analysis Rapid application development The Earth Edition delivers advanced technologies and extensions suitable for efficient, multi-data visualization of large geosciences data. Ultimate Memory Management Technology to interactively explore out-of-the-core datasets. Versatile Data Management Capabilities through SEG-Y wizard, OpenSpirit plug-in and user-defined readers through custom imports. Readers for Horizons, Fault Sticks, and Fault Surfaces Advanced Seismic Visualization by interactive investigation using inline, crossline, time slices, oblique slice, fence slice (random slice); slice animation to identify hidden features. Interactive Region of Interest, with progressive image quality during 3D navigation Animated slices to identify hidden features Embossing to enhance feature identification. Advanced Colormap Editor to interactively change your colomap transparency curve on the fly; several ready-to-use colormaps for instantaneous attributes, velocity and other geoscience data. Horizon Visualization and QC using time-depth colormap GeoBody Segmentation through Avizo's advanced segmentation editor Data Query from Seismic Volumes using PointProbe, LineProbe, SplineProbe Multi-Discipline, Multi Viewer Project Review: Visualize seismic volumes, wells, horizons, faults and reservoir in a single 3D environment, and manage your exploration using a dedicated project tree view. Professional Project Presentations using a large set of tools for project presentation: DemoMaker, CameraPath, MovieMaker, 3D Annotation, Virtual Trackball, and High-Resolution Snapshots, and more. Project Review in Immersive Theaters is also possible using the Avizo XScreen extension which provides scalability on clusters and VR systems support.