Northeastern Section - 43rd Annual Meeting (27-29 March 2008)

Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM


WATERS, Laura, Geology, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 16652, YOUNG, Kelly, Earth Science, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, SWANSON, Mark T., Geosciences, University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME 04038 and BAMPTON, Matthew, Geography/Anthropology, University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME 04038,

Damariscove Island, Maine is comprised of the Cape Elizabeth Formation, a schist in the Falmouth-Brunswick sequence on the eastern limb of the S-plunging Boothbay anticline, a tight upright regional F2 fold structure. Limb layers and parasitic folds are cross-cut by late Devonian aphanitic and pegmatitic granitic dikes which show variable responses to deformation depending on orientation and age. Granite intrusion patterns were mapped with RTK-GPS (Trimble 5700) and Total Stations (SpectraPrecision 608) and imported into ArcGIS (v. 9.2). Orientation data was collected with Brunton compass and positioned with handheld GPS (Trimble GeoXT). Measured, generally-vertical, granite contacts fall into 3 major strike clusters: 9°, 33°, and 85°. Strikes at 9°, when compared with mapped patterns, correlate with large dike intrusions that occur along the regional fold axis trend through the island. These N-S trending dikes are 55 m at their largest width. Strikes at 33° represent a second, smaller dike intrusion phase ranging in width from 9 to 17 m of uncertain origin. Strikes at ~85º represent smaller, folded granite dikes (1-3m in width), which are found to be roughly perpendicular to the two previous intrusion phases. Contact relations between the larger NNE-striking granites and these near orthogonal, now folded granites suggest simultaneous intrusion into both the grain-parallel fractures and the orthogonal-to-grain fractures. Continuing grain-parallel elongation is seen in the horizontal extension as expressed in WNW-ESE striking vertical quartz veins perpendicular to that grain and boudinage of the NNE-striking granite dikes. Accompanying WNW-ESE compression and shortening is reflected in the folding of the initially orthogonal-to-grain dike intrusions and the development of mica foliation within the larger NNE-striking granites. Calculations using boudin area and granite widths determined from georeferenced camera pole photos and on-screen digitizing reveal ~115% elongation. Folded dikes, digitized from georeferenced camera-pole imagery, reveal a 40-70% shortening. This provides further evidence that granitic dike patterns on Damariscove Island and other mid-coast area exposures reflect syntectonic intrusion processes, modified by continuous ductile deformation with concurrent shortening and elongation.