In September, 2008 we conducted a geotechnical investigation that included completion of ten borings and installation of a slope inclinometer and four vibrating wire piezometers. The inclinometer was subsequently sheared by slope movement in January, 2009 at a depth of 30 feet below the ground surface. Geologic mapping and subsurface explorations indicated road fill, colluvium, and older landslide debris were sliding on weathered volcaniclastic bedrock. The headscarp of the landslide was confined by a backstop of intrusive diorite located above the road. The slide mass extends down slope approximately 800 feet as a series of translational blocks to the bank of the
We considered the following mitigation options:
1. Stabilization of the entire landslide mass from the active headscarp to the toe
2. Stabilization of the headscarp area using dewatering methods
3. Stabilization of the headscarp area through construction of a retaining wall
The preferred option was to implement a down slope re-alignment of the road supported on a 30-foot tall MSE retaining wall keyed into the stable volcanic bedrock. The proposed mitigation requires removal of the landslide debris within the road alignment and isolates the road from the active portion of the landslide mass.