At WGNHS, we developed the Data Catalog as a digital means for researchers to describe data collections with which they are familiar or which they have created. Collections are documented not only by the title, general description, and location, but also by the title and description of each distinct element of the collection, such as physical samples, paper documentation, and digital forms of the collection. Each element is also described according to the media they occur in, as many elements may be available in multiple forms, such as digital (databases, spreadsheets, shapefiles) and paper (reports, field notes, driller’s logs). The use of keywords, names of collectors, collaborating organizations, and so forth, as well as robust search functionality allow different users to access the collections from their diverse perspectives.
Populating the Data Catalog and updating data entries are encouraged monthly at staff meetings, where questions regarding the use of the application or recent modifications to it can be shared. Educating staff on the use of the Data Catalog and the importance of capturing their knowledge about data collections as they are created is critical to maintaining institutional memory. Data preservation activity and using the Data Catalog are integral parts of each staff person’s annual review, as the key to preserving institutional memory is to demonstrate that the institution truly values the memories in the first place.