Modeling intra-annual growth is accomplished in eight steps: 1) Express temperature and δ18Owater records as Fourier series over an annual cycle, retaining up to the 3rd harmonic; 2) Use the Fourier series and an alpha based paleotemperature equation to calculate predicted δ18Ocarb values for each Julian day; 3) Sample predicted δ18Ocarb profile and assign dates to samples using an heuristic optimization algorithm to minimize the sum of squared differences between observed and predicted δ18Ocarb profiles; 4) For each point generated in 3, use a uniform prior distribution within a window width of 365/no. of samples, to obtain a new date and its corresponding δ18Ocarb value resulting in a new "resampled” profile; 5) Using a Bayesian approach, assign a weight to the resampled profile by comparing each sample in the resampled profile to the corresponding sample in the original δ18Ocarb profile assuming a normal distribution about each resampled value with variance equal to the square of the precision error of the mass spectrometer, plus a noise term estimated from the optimization step; 6) Fit a monotonic cubic spline to the resampled distance versus date data set, evaluate the first derivative, and smooth with a 28-day moving average; 7) Repeat steps 4-6 resulting in N growth functions, each with an assigned weight; and 8) Calculate weighted average growth function and its standard deviation.
Model outputs are validated against independently derived growth records, compare favorably with profiles generated using previous versions of the model, and generate reasonable profiles from freshwater bivalves. While originally developed for use with mollusks, the model can easily modified to reconstruct intra-annual accretion rates of biotic and abiotic entities, including corals, otoliths and speleothems.