The Kola-Karelia region has some porphyry Mo-Cu-Au deposits and occurrences located in Precambrian rocks.
Southern Urals: Magnitogorsky (D2) and Valerianovsky (C1-2) magmatic belts include some porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits and occurrences controlled by regional-scale faults. The Valerianovsky belt is covered mostly by Cenozoic cover and therefore has a good potential for discovery of blind porphyry CuMo/Au mineralization.
Altay-Tuva region: Paleozoic volcanic complexes include some porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and occurrences.
The Transbaikalia region has some porphyry Cu-Au deposits and occurrences. They are located in magmatic rocks of Pz3-Mz1 age and controlled by normal faults and strike-slip faults.
Russian Far East region holds some porphyry Cu-Mo/Au/Sn deposits and many occurrences. All of them are located within Andean-type magmatic belts of J3-K1, K1-2, Pg-N ages. Strike-slip faults and associated extensional structures control porphyry systems in many cases. Porphyry-type mineralization often associates with epithermal Au-Ag mineralization. The largest Russian Peschanka porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit has indicated and inferred reserves of Cu 5.5 Mt, Au 386 t, Mo 179 tt with good potential for increased reserves at depth (> 200 m). The Russian Far East region has strong potential for discovery of world-class porphyry Cu-Mo/Au deposits!