Two key geochemical parameters, the reaction rate Kr and the partition coefficient, Kd were found to be very promising in explaining the As transport mechanism. In-situ Kr for natural biotite dissolution process, derived by using inverse mass balance model was found as 2.72 × 10-16 /sec. A parametric predictor equation, that can calculate the Kd considering the aquifer sediment’s dominating minerals such as Fe and Al contents and pore-water pH was developed.Incorporating those two parameter, a 1D-Finite Difference numerical model was applied to observe and evaluate the As pollution scenario for the studied Holocene aquifer. The simulation showed very promising results introducing the idea that significant As might get reduced after 50 years from both the shallow as well as deeper aquifer. Further, the As transport particularly for the deeper aquifer was tried to simulate for its sustainability and viability for being a future source of water supply. It was noticeably found that the deeper aquifer would potentially be remained safe from being contaminated with As because of its having experienced with several natural encouraging effects including the absence of any active As leaching source minerals; presence of a silty clayey aquitard that might hinder the As to reach there; availability of adsorbing minerals like Fe, Al that may adsorb significant As, in case of leaching occurrence. As a consequence of these along with the underlying geochemical processes, the deeper aquifer would be the potential source for providing sustainable, safe, ample and adequate quantity of water in future in an affordable way for the concerned As affected poor community.