North-Central Section - 43rd Annual Meeting (2-3 April 2009)

Paper No. 8
Presentation Time: 3:40 PM


SCHUSTER, Dwight A.1, FILIPPELLI, Gabriel2, WOOD, Elee J.1, NELSON, Jennifer A.2, SHARP, Janet and JUDITH, Solchik, (1)School of Education, Indiana University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), 902 West New York Street, ES 3120, Indianapolis, IN 46202, (2)Department of Earth Sciences, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132,

Over the past two years, science and education faculty from an urban research university and secondary science teachers from a large urban school district have worked together to prepare 11th and 12th grade students to mentor 7th grade students in the geosciences. In this program, 11th and 12th grade students are charged with the responsibility of taking ownership of their learning by planning, monitoring success, and adjusting their course of action when necessary.

Even after extensive planning, the pieces of a partnership puzzle have the potential to change unexpectedly. Between when this program was proposed (2005) and implemented (2007), there were significant changes in personnel and with the organization of the partnering public schools. It is within this dynamic context that we explore the viability of developing larger and more sustainable K – 16 partnerships in the geosciences.

Based on participant experiences, field notes, and the analyses of focus group interviews, an in-depth description of this unique partnership is developed and suggestions are made for subsequent practice: Recommendations include (1) working with skilled and experienced teachers and administrators who are able to overcome challenges that are common in large inner-city schools, (2) increased technical support in order to provide opportunities for synchronous or asynchronous communication between all participants, (3) choosing supportive school contexts where transportation and scheduling issues are surmountable, and (4) the importance of universities providing time and salary support in order to sustain K – 16 partnerships.