Northeastern Section - 44th Annual Meeting (22–24 March 2009)

Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 10:40 AM


WESTERMAN, David S.1, ROCCHI, Sergio2, DINI, Andrea3, FARINA, Federico2 and INNOCENTI, Fabrizio2, (1)Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Norwich University, 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield, VT 05663, (2)Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Via S. Maria, 53, Pisa, I-56126, Italy, (3)Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa, I-56124, Italy,

Igneous activity at Elba Island (Tuscany) led to the emplacement of several magma bodies over a time span of about 1 Ma during the Late Miocene. A first intrusive cycle produced nine separated shallow-level granite porphyry sheets connected by feeder dikes, eventually constructing three nested Christmas-tree laccoliths. The laccolith layers were emplaced at depths between 1.9 and 3.7 km, as reconstructed by cross-section measurements, and space for magma was created by roof uplift. A second magmatic cycle led to the build-up of the granitic Monte Capanne pluton and a mafic dyke swarm. The pluton was constructed over a very short time span by three magma pulses stacked downward as subhorizontal intrusive sheets. The top of the intrusion reached a depth of about 5 km, and space for magma was created by roof uplift and tectonic-gravitational displacement of the overburden.

The laccolith intrusive layers are 50 to 700 m thick, with diameters of between 1.6 and 10 km. Length to thickness relationships for individual layers show a peculiar power-law correlation interpreted as the frozen evidence for the occurrence of a vertical inflation stage during laccolith growth. Also the reconstructed original dimensional parameters of the three intrusive sheets of the pluton display a power-law correlation indicative of a vertical inflation stage during pluton growth. Once the sheets constituting the multi-sheets laccoliths and those of the pluton are amalgamated in a single sheet (virtually for the laccoliths; actually observed for the pluton), their dimensional parameters fit those predicted for a single pluton.

We suggest the laccolith sheets failed to coalesce and form a larger plutons/laccoliths with typical dimensions owing to the availability of a large number of magma traps in the host crust that consists of a fault stack of bedded rocks. On the other hand, the magma batches building the Monte Capanne pluton exploited a major thrust fault separating rheologically distinctive tectonic units, with the three pulses of magma filling a single reservoir to build a “successful” pluton, as opposed to the “failed” plutons represented by the multi-sheet laccoliths. As a final consideration, we speculate that laccoliths and plutons represent different outcomes of the same geological process.