The Eocene Jaintia Group is one-kilometer of deltaic to shallow-marine strata ranging from coaliferous clastic deposits and fossiliferous limestones to black shale. The Tura Sandstone, the basal part of the Jaintia Group, is compact, and composed of silica- cemented quartz arenite, indicating a cratonic source. The Kopili Formation in the upper part of the Jaintia Group is matrix-rich fine-grained quartz wacke. This sequence closely resembles the Eocene passive margin sequence of the Sylhet trough of the Bengal Basin. In contrast, the Eocene section in Assam (Margherita-Changlang area) is clastic (deep- water Disang Group), which represents an active margin deposit. The Oligocene Barail Group is thick (4.65 km), conformably overlies the Jaintia Group, and is composed of deep-marine clastic deposits. These submature litharenites are composed of abundant sedimentary lithic clasts and sparse glauconite grains. A lithic arenite sandstone member from the upper Oligocene formation contains chert fragments and abundant detrital muscovite. Coeval Oligocene strata in both Assam (~5 km) and the northeast Bengal Basin (~ 1.5 km) are deltaic to marginal-marine deposits as evidenced by presence of coal seams in the Assam Basin. The Miocene Surma Group (~2.5 km) represents a deep-marine sequence in the southeast Shillong Plateau, consisting of matrix-rich, fine-grained lithic wacke with a dominance of low-grade metamorphic clasts and subordinate sedimentary and chert fragments. The Surma Group is overlain by upper Miocene to Pliocene quartz arenites of the Tipam Sandstone (1+ km).
Early Paleogene clastic units in the study area around the Shillong Plateau were derived initially from a cratonic source with a shift in sediment source to an orogenic belt beginning in the late Eocene.