Four sedimentary sub-facies are recognized, the distribution of which are largely controlled by antecedent morphology of the barrier. Berm facies, characterized by a basal erosional surface and seaward dipping planar stratification dominates the beach and seaward side of the foredune. Back-berm facies extends landward from the dune crest down the backside of the foredune, exhibits little evidence of erosion along the basal contact, and is dominated by landward inclined stratification. Platform facies, largely confined to the interior platform, exhibits little evidence of erosion along the pre-storm surface, and horizontal to gently landward dipping parallel stratification which merges landward with, and often overlie steeply landward dipping foreset stratification. Antecedent hummocky dunes are commonly preserved within platform facies. Back bay facies, the landward most facies is dominated by subaqueous deposition within the back bay, and is characterized by steeply landward dipping tabular foreset and sigmoidal stratification, overlain by horizontally stratified washover. Back bay facies exhibit distinct ridge and trough morphologies oriented parallel to the primary flow direction. Vertical facies transitions can be attributed to temporal variations in storm forcing while architectural heterogeneity in both cross-shore and longshore directions illustrate the highly 3-dimesional nature of the washover deposits.