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Paper No. 11
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM


LAWRENCE, Steven Douglas, 1106 Virgil Pl, San Jose, CA 95120,

It is commonly stated that Earth’s geological histories are written into its rocks. A new discovery shows that such histories are recorded not only once, but many times over the surface of the earth.

Various kinds of geophysical maps, superimposed over separate and distinct regions of the globe at selected sectorial harmonic intervals, reveal complex and strikingly detailed conformities. Myriad examples of this phenomenon strongly suggest that the relatively shallow forces that are causing temporal changes to the lithosphere are coupled with, and substantially governed by, a symphony of surface-to-surface feedbacks that persist on geological timescales, revealing the whole of the earth surface as a vast, evidence rich, kaleidoscopic palimpsest.

Because the effect is directly observable, and therefore measurable, future quantitative analyses should yield unprecedented understanding of at least one fundamental mechanism that strongly affects a wide variety of geomorphological features and events, both global and regional, which may not yet be adequately explained or accounted for by any mechanisms yet proposed, but which are required to understand, accurately decipher, and more precisely describe and explain Earth’s geological past and present, and to project its likely future.

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