In this presentation, we review the scientific successes of Apollo, and suggest how a more flexible exploration strategy might have advanced our understanding of lunar evolutionary processes even farther. Operationally, such a strategy will require deliberate action on the part of space-fearing nations to recruit trained field geologists as astronauts. Time and resource limitations and excessive risk can be overcome by an aggressive program of collaborative human and robotic exploration. Robotic precursor missions would provide increasingly sophisticated (and higher resolution) reconnassance of sites being considered for human exploration. Robotic assistants can be deployed during human missions to perform time-consuming geologic surveys or high-risk activities. Informed by the results of human field research, robots also can perform follow-up scientific activities to expand on our geologic knowledge of a targeted region.
Analog exercises on Earth are an essential part of the preparations necessary for successful advanced planetary field geology. These exercises will be most informative if they embrace the entire geologic research process -- including problem definition, field observation, and laboratory analysis -- and not simply field work. We would argue that terrestrial field geology itself is overdue for a renaissance in which new technologies -- including field robotics -- will increase the science return of this most fundamental of geologic research activities. Terrestrial field geologists as well as planetary scientists can gain much from greater collaboration.