We analyzed inorganic chemicals in 5 flowback water samples, and we gathered 85 chemical analyses (from the PA Department of Environmental Protection and private sources) of flowback water. The flowback waters are pH 5 to 8 Na/Ca/Cl dominated brines with TDS ranging from 1,850 to 345,000 mg/L (10x more saline than seawater). Flowback water usually shows increased salinity with time. Titrations lacking distinct inflection points suggest, as in oil-field brines, that much of the alkalinity is due to naturally-occurring organic acids rather than HCO3-. Ba and Sr concentrations range widely, with concentrations as high 26,800 and 5,230 mg/L, respectively. Based on r2 values for linear fits, the positive correlations with TDS follow the order: Cl > Na > Ca > Br > Mg ≈ Spec Cond ≈ Sr > Hardness > K ≈ Li. SO4, acidity, and alkalinity range from 5 to 2920, -210 to 1230, and 24 to 800 mg/L, respectively and show no correlation with TDS. Although few data are available, these waters have a wide range of radioactive constituents, with gross alpha and 226Ra as high as 19,200 and 4,180 pCi/L. Durov diagrams comparing major cation/anion constituents, pH, and TDS are presented, as are spatial distribution maps of 15 parameters for flowback water collected at > 90 days after hydrofracturing.
Geochemical modeling using PHREEQC can reasonably reproduce flowback water major element chemistry using the standard PHREEQC database, but Ba and Sr cannot be explained. Database modification suggests that Ba and Sr complexation by organics could explain the extremely high Ba and Sr concentrations observed in flowback water.