Detailed multi-step CA-TIMS analysis of a wide range of zircon samples reveals that a small number of them do indeed appear to show significant 231Pa excess effects. Each of these samples has a plateau of statistically equivalent 206Pb*/238U ages, strongly indicative of the absence of either Pb loss or any older inheritance. However, all show a progression of 207Pb*/206Pb* ages: late-stage partial dissolution steps representing early crystallized cores of zircon have 207Pb*/206Pb* ages that are typically identical to, or only slightly older than, the corresponding 206Pb*/238U ages. This is suggestive of only very minor 231Pa excess. Intermediate partial dissolution steps and early dissolution steps representing later-stage growth of zircon have progressively older 207Pb*/206Pb* ages, despite identical 206Pb*/238U ages. For the 69 Ma to 150 Ma samples used in this study, the 207Pb*/206Pb* ages within individual samples showed increases from ca. core zircon to ca. rim zircon of between ca. 5 and 16 m.y. These results suggest an increase in DPa/DU from ca. 1-3 during the early stages of zircon crystallization to ca. 6-12 during the late stages of zircon crystallization.
These results emphasize the importance of reliance on robust 206Pb*/238U ages for high accuracy geochronology, especially for Phanerozoic samples.