The key independent variable in our experiments was the bed-sediment volumetric water content, θ. We manipulated and measured θ through low-intensity sprinkling and real-time monitoring with tensiometers and electrical capacitance probes. At the time of debris-flow release, θ ranged from 0.15 to 0.28. We avoided creating positive pore-water pressure in the bed sediment, because significant positive pressures caused spontaneous bed failure (unsurprising, given the 40º internal and basal friction angles of the SGM).
Our data show that rapid loading by overriding debris flows generated high pore-water pressures in wet bed sediment, even though θ was always less than the full-saturation value (θ ≈ 0.4). The high pore pressures facilitated rapid downward scour (at rates ~10 cm/s) and reduced basal friction almost to zero behind flow fronts, while steepening and deepening the fronts themselves. These changes caused flow momentum to grow relative to that observed in control experiments, fostering further entrainment and resulting in positive feedback. The threshold θ necessary for development of high pore pressures and positive feedback was about 0.23. With θ > 0.23, pore water was apparently continuous enough to transmit pressure efficiently, whereas with θ < 0.23, compression must have occurred mostly in pore air. In such cases momentum transfer to the bed resulted in negative feedback and loss of debris-flow momentum, and minimal bed sediment was entrained.