Paper No. 10
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Community development projects were planned for over two years via the analysis of earth-system relationships on the village scale in Kosova. In the third year, a partnership among Wheaton College’s undergraduate geology program, the Water-For-Life NGO and the people of Tushile demonstrated the efficacy of integrating studies of rock, soils, water, vegetation and human lifestyles. Planning research conducted by geology students included the collection of comprehensive data in GIS format. Initial geological mapping of rock types, stratigraphy and structures was combined with other pertinent factors. These other studies included measurement of slope aspects along a steep valley, topographic tracing of springs, water chemistry of a stream and household wells, characterization of soils suitable for septic system installation, hydrography of stream flow correlated with precipitation and water-table elevations, land use classification with vegetation types, and a survey of household needs/perceptions. As a consequence of GIS interpretation, the research led the development team to establish the first series of rehabilitated household water supplies and septic systems. Essential to the sustainability of the projects is a philosophy of T.O.T., the training of trainers. In action this means that the team brings outside resources of financial support (most supplies) and expertise to help the needy to help themselves. The community is expected to provide a) labor for projects, b) a small proportion of the necessary finances, and c) “apprentices” to learn the basics of water supply and sanitation technology. As the team builds strong relationships with the village partners, knowledge is transferred. The mentored apprentices will learn essential methods to bring the same benefits to other villages. Ideally, the knowledge will disperse to train others, eliminate dependence upon outsiders and provide some financial support for people in a land of extreme unemployment. Undergraduate students involved in the Kosova work have already accomplished a high-level of professional practice in application of geological principles. They have also contributed to the welfare of people and environment in the newest nation on earth.