Using a 1D model for Fickian diffusion through porous media and applying site-specific meteorological data collected over a four-year period we show that the rate of subsurface-ice sublimation varies by ~5.5% beneath till facies, and that over timescales of 105 years, preferential diffusion through sand-wedges contributes to the development of deep troughs surrounding high-centered polygons. We show that current rate of ice loss at the stagnant terminus of Mullins Glacier is extremely low but is consistent with complete ice loss under present-day environmental forcing in ~2.5 Myr. Sensitivity tests indicate that sublimation at the terminus asymptotically approaches zero with either a drop in summertime soil and ice-surface temperatures of ~6°C or an increase in atmospheric relative humidity of ~30%, either of which could arise from a slight increase in cloud cover over Mullins Glacier. Sublimation responses to meteorological forcing are not uniform across Mullins Glacier. An increase in subsurface temperature of 2°C results in negligible change in ice sublimation at Mullins terminus, but a 27% increase in ice loss in upper Mullins Valley; the key factor is the Mullins till thickness.
The results highlight the subtle relations among changes in till texture, till thickness, and meteorological forcing on the rate of subsurface-ice loss and provide insight into the plausible range of conditions under which multi-million year old ice can exist beneath thin supraglacial tills.