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Paper No. 4
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM


PERKINS, Courtney A.1, DALE, Michael2, MARTINEZ, Dan'l1, ENGLERT, David3 and GRANZOW, Kim1, (1)New Mexico Environment Department, Department of Energy Oversight Bureau, 1183 Diamond Drive, Suite B, Los Alamos, NM 87544, (2)New Mexico Environment Department, 1183 Diamond Drive, Suite B, Los Alamos, NM 87544, (3)New Mexico Environment Department, Department of Energy Oversight Bureau, 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building 1, Santa Fe, NM 87505,

Treated radioactive liquid waste was discharged into upper DP Canyon in Los Alamos, NM from 1952-1985, with prior discharges of untreated radioactive liquid waste at the same location. The majority of the radiological material remaining in the treated discharge water (90Sr, 241Am, 238&239/240Pu and 137Cs) preferentially bound to sediment in the canyon and was then available for remobilization and transport by canyon flows from storm-water runoff. Small amounts of soluble contaminants, such as 90Sr, remained in solution and have impacted shallow groundwater. DP Canyon is a tributary of Los Alamos Canyon, which flows into the Rio Grande upstream of a newly constructed water intake intended to supplement the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico’s drinking water supply. Remedial actions (soil/sediment/rock removal) were completed below the liquid waste outfall point in 1996-7 and again in 2002-3. A grade-control structure was installed slightly down-canyon of the outfall location in early 2010 to limit sediment transport from the upper reach of the canyon. A limited set of historical storm-water quality and flow data from DP Canyon just above the confluence with Los Alamos Canyon is available from 1967-8, 1996, 1998-2000, 2006. Recent samples were taken in 2010. These data span the various remedial actions and demonstrate an overall decrease in the levels of radionuclides transported in the canyon by storm-water runoff. The gross beta activity in the suspended sediment portion of the storm-water samples shows an overall decrease through time from 537 pCi/g in 1968 to 19.0 pCi/g in 2006 (mean activity of time-series samples during single events). The 90Sr activity in solution also demonstrates an overall decrease through time from 852 pCi/L in 1968 to 8.1 pCi/L in 2006. The overall decrease in radiological contaminants being transported out of DP Canyon is likely the results of source term removal, dilution and radioactive decay.
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