We developed a Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model describing the course of the disease in a population of waterfowl. We used published laboratory challenge studies to estimate epidemiological parameters (rate of infection, latency period, recovery and mortality rates), considering the importance of age classes, and virus pathogenicity. We extended this model to wild bird populations by estimating the rate of infectious contact θ with virus using prevalence data from waterfowl surveys.
Infectious contact leads to infection and virus shedding within 1-2 days, followed by relatively slower period for recovery or mortality. Our sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the rate of infection plays a key role in AI epidemic dynamics. Therefore, additional laboratory challenges clarifying age-related differences in LPAI infection processes, the source of virus exposure (by direct bird-to-bird transmission or environmental transmission), and the level of exposure would expand our understanding of infection rates under various conditions.
We found a shorter infectious period for HPAI than low pathogenic (LP) AI, which may explain that HPAI has been much harder to detect than LPAI during surveillance programs. Our model predicted a rapid LPAI epidemic curve, with a median duration of infection of 50-60 days and no fatalities. In contrast, HPAI dynamics had lower prevalence and higher mortality, especially in young birds. Extensive surveillance programs for AI viruses have reported the presence of LPAI asymptomatic carrier birds all around the world but HPAI viruses have been detected in only a few healthy wild birds, and in most HPAI outbreaks, only a few dead individuals have been found. In a general sense, these observations agree with our model predictions of short epidemics for HPAI and much higher prevalence and longer duration of infection in birds with LPAI. Our model suggests increasing surveillance for HPAI in post-breeding areas, because the presence of immunologically naïve young birds is predicted to cause higher HPAI prevalence and bird losses during this season. Moreover, serological surveys to determine circulation of AI viruses in avian populations may effectively complement swab data, because immunity appears to last considerably longer than infection. Our results indicate a better understanding of immunity-related processes is required to refine predictions of AI risk and spread, improve surveillance for HPAI in wild birds, and develop disease control strategies to reduce potential transmission to domestic birds and/or humans.