The 3rd USGS Modeling Conference (7-11 June 2010)

Paper No. 32
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM


FRIEDEL, Michael J., Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center, US Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25046, MS 964D, Denver, CO 80225,

It is not possible to predict well yield in the semi-arid climate and fractured crystalline rocks of northeastern Brazil by traditional groundwater modeling. For this reason, an alternative paradigm is used in which the relations associated with a sparsely populated set of hydrogeologic data (electrical conductivity, geology, temperature, and well yield) and airborne geophysical measurements (electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric) are found using the self-organizing map technique. Selected variables exhibiting a statistically significant relation to well yield are then used with symbolic regression to discover predictive models based on evolutionary heuristics. An objective function that simultaneously maximizes fitness and minimizes root-mean-squared error identifies the best well yield models evolved from unprocessed, processed, and mixed sets of the airborne measurements. All models exhibit unbiased predictions that are within a few percent of the known well yield observations. Estimates of nonlinear uncertainty limits reveal that models evolved from processed measurements may result in a biased prediction at low well yields (< 1 m3 hr-1). For a particular combination of model and measurement type, the computed range of prediction uncertainty generally is reduced when increasing the number of measurement variables. The best well yield predictor is a function of three unprocessed airborne electromagnetic measurement variables. These findings suggest that the combination of data mining, knowledge discovery, airborne electromagnetic measurements, and predictive analysis may provide a low-cost alternative to traditional modeling in challenging groundwater environments, such as semi-arid and fractured rock aquifers in northeastern Brazil.