The approach was applied to a set of previously published results on U(VI) transport in columns packed with well-characterized quartz. As in the initial study (Kohler and others, 1996), seven different surface complexation models of varying complexity were calibrated against selected experiments with UCODE_2005 (Poeter and others, 2005) and then used to predict U(VI) transport in four different experiments conducted with different experimental conditions. It was found that, of the seven postulated models, only three had a significant probability. Model probabilities calculated from calibration to different datasets were different. The probability of one conceptual model varied from 22 to 50 percent when calibrated to each individual experiment; however, the model probability was only 16 percent when all three experiments were used simultaneously in the calibration. Model uncertainty significantly exceeded parametric uncertainty even in these well-controlled laboratory experiments and model averaging gave significantly superior predictions relative to any single model. The approach is being applied to results from small-scale tracer tests conducted at the Naturita site. The models for the tracer tests include alternative representations (1) of the subsurface heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity, (2) of the U(VI) adsorption reactions, (3) of the rate of adsorption and desorption and (4) of geochemical processes affecting the key major ions such as calcium.
Neuman, S.P., 2003. Maximum likelihood Bayesian averaging of alternative conceptual-mathematical models: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment: v 17, p 291-305.
Kohler, M., Curtis, G.P., Kent, D.B, and J.A. Davis, 1996, Experimental investigation and modeling of uranium(VI) transport under variable chemical conditions: Water Resources. Research, v. 32, p 3539-3551.
Poeter, E.E., Hill, M.C., Banta, E.R., Mehl, S., Christensen, S., 2005, UCODE_2005 and six other computer codes for universal sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty evaluation constructed using the JUPITER API: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A11, 299 p.