Our findings indicate a variety of favorable structural settings but with several recurrent themes. The two hottest fields in Turkey (Germencik and Kizildere) are focused near the ends of the major normal fault zone that bounds the Menderes graben. We suggest that this fault zone breaks into multiple splays, or horsetails, as it terminates, thus generating a belt of higher fracture density and permeability that accommodates significant fluid flow. The Eynal geothermal system near Simav is hosted by a complex normal fault system with multiple steps and intersections. Several fields, including Germencik and Kursunlu Canyon near Salihli, occur at the intersections between major graben-bounding normal faults and oblique-slip, transversely oriented transfer faults. The Kursunlu Canyon field appears to occupy a small dilational jog, or pull apart, at the intersection of a transverse sinistral-normal fault and currently inactive Gediz detachment fault. However, the main geothermal upwelling for Kursunlu Canyon may lie a few kilometers away from surface springs along a major step in the active, steeply dipping graben-bounding fault zone, where multiple fault splays within the step-over generate a subvertical zone of higher fracture density and permeability. Upon intersecting the detachment fault, fluids in the upwelling may follow permeable carbonate and breccia along the gently dipping detachment rather than rising to the surface directly above the upwelling.
Similar to the Great Basin in the western USA, most systems in western Turkey occupy discrete steps in fault zones or lie in belts of intersecting, overlapping, and/or terminating faults. The similarities in favorable settings between these two active areas of continental extension suggest that conceptual exploration models can be developed for geothermal activity in particular tectonic settings. Further characterization of the structural controls on geothermal activity will help to reduce the risks of drilling while also facilitating discovery of blind geothermal systems.