Serpentinites with lenses and dykes of metagabbro and meta-rodingite displaying a metamorphic imprint in the eclogite facies, or greenschist facies, outcrop in upper Valtournenche. On the occasion of a detailed structural mapping three superposed foliations associated to different parageneses in all these rocks, followed by D4 folding, has been recognised. In metabasites, S1 and S2 foliations are associated to high-pressure low-temperature parageneses, whereas S3 is associated to a later re-equilibration in the greenschist facies. In serpentinites S2 is the pervasive foliation, and it may be parrallel to bands rich in clinopyroxene2 + amphibole2. S1 is recognised where S2 is less pervasive: here relic Ti-clinohumite –olivine veins, up to 4 cm thick, boudinaged and folded in S2 foliation, are found. Sometimes they have a white clinopyroxene rim toward serpentine.
Serpentinites mainly consist of serpentine with minor magnetite, but where S1 and S2 foliations are pervasive, metamorphic olivine is found, together with Ti-clinohumite and clinopyroxene.
The stable mineral assemblage associated with D1 is serpentine1, clinopyroxene1, opaques, titanite +/- amphibole1, chlorite1, olivine1, Ti-Clinohumite1, orthopyroxene, ilmenite. The assemblage stable with D2 is serpentine2, clinopyroxene2, opaques, Ti-clinohumite2, olivine2, +/- chlorite2, amphibole2, titanite. Ilmenite and perovskite rim olivine and Ti-clinohumite. The assemblage associated with D3 structures is serpentine3, opaques, +/- chlorite3 and amphibole3.
Compositionally, serpentine associated to D1 structures is more Mg-rich than that in D2 structures. Olivine, clinopyroxene and chlorite do not have large chemical changes, though when associated to D1 structures they may be more Mg-rich than when associated to D2 structures. Ti-chumite1 is slightly Fe-richer than Ti-clinohumite2 and may have less Ti.
Veins consisting of olivine, pyroxene, Ti-clinohumite can predate or be contemporaneous to D2 structures: post-D2 veins never contain Ti-clinohumite, olivine and pyroxene. This conclusion, drawn on the evidences gathered through the detailed structural mapping, alows to constrain the timing of Ti-clinohumite growth to S1 and S2 foliations, contradicting the interpretation of Li et al., (2004) that interpret the veins as post D3 or linked to ocean-metamorphism predating Alpine metamorphism. This result is coherent with what observed by Scambeluri & Rampone (1999) and Groppo & Compagnoni (2007) in other parts of the western Alps.
PT conditions estimated for S1 and S2 parageneses have been evaluated with preliminary calculations of a PT grid in the MASH system, using end-members (fosterite, talc, enstatite, antigorite, clinohumite, clinochlore, spinel and sudoite).
A PTtd path suggests that these rocks underwent pressures > 2.2 GPa for temperatures between 600° and 750°C, implying that they have been forged in a cold subduction zone characterised by a T/depth of ~6°C/Km. The late greenschist facies re-equilibration implies exhumation. It is characterised by a small T-decrease, indicating a thermal regime compatible with the thermal relaxation consequent to continental collision. Radiometric ages (Rubatto et al., 1998 and Lapen et al., 2003) suggest ages of 50-43 Ma for the P peak and ages of 36-40 Ma for the greenschist facies retrogression, suggesting exhumations rates between 0.6 and 2.7 cm/y for this part of the Zermatt-Saas unit.
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