Tectonic Crossroads: Evolving Orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia

Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 08:30-18:30


REBAY, Gisella1, SPALLA, Maria Iole2 and BERNARDONI, Jacopo2, (1)Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pavia, Via Ferrata, 1, Pavia, 27100, Italy, (2)Scienze della Terra "Ardito Desio" and CNR-IDPA, Milano, 20133, Italy, gisella.rebay@unipv.it

The Zermatt-Saas Zone is a remnant of the Piedmont-Ligurian oceanic lithosphere, trapped in the suture zone of the Western Alps on the occasion of the Alpine subduction and collision. A major extensional fault (e.g Sartori & Thelin, 1987; Ballevre & Merle, 1993), whose recognition is grounded both on lithostratigraphic and metamorphic evidence (e.g. Bearth, 1967; Caby et alii, 1978; Dal Piaz, 1974; Kienast, 1983; Marthaler & Stampfli, 1989), puts it in contact with the Combin Zone. A structural analysis has been performed in a portion of the Zermatt-Saas Zone mainly consisting of mafic and ultramafic rocks of oceanic derivation and well known for its high- and ultrahigh-pressure mineral assemblages (e.g. Chinner & Dixon, 1973; Ernst & Dal Piaz, 1978; Reinecke, 1991; Xu-Ping et alii, 2004). Zermatt-Saas eclogites generally recorded high-pressure mineral assemblages formed by omphacite-garnet-chloritoid-talc-zoisite or omphacite-garnet-kyanite- clinozoisite ± talc (e.g. Barnicoat & Fry, 1986); eclogites are retrogressed into epidote amphibolites ± garnet.

The investigated rocks are mainly rodingites, associated with serpentinites, minor metagabbro and chlorite-schists. The mesostructural analysis allowed recognition of four groups of superposed ductile structures three of which are syn-metamorphic.Both D1 and D2 are correlated to the development of high-pressure parageneses. Mineral and textural relics older than these phases have been recognised and are correlated to the serpentinisation and rodingitisation processes ascribed to oceanic metamorphism.S1 is a relic foliation recorded only in rodingite dykes and lenses, preserved in the millimetre thick microlithons of D2 crenulation cleavage and as internal foliation of garnetI porphyroblasts; it is marked by pyroxene and amphibole SPO.

S2 is the dominant fabric in rodingites and metagabbros; in rodingites it is underlined by alternating chlorite- and amphibole-layers and trails of small garnet2.

In metagabbros pre-D3 relics are garnet, omphacite, rutile and glaucophane + phengite and, successively, barroisitic amphibole, zoisite, Mg-chlorite, phengite and ilmenite.

D3 structures are the most pervasive in serpentinites and gabbros, consist of a crenulation cleavage type foliation associated with open metric folds and are correlated to post-P peak greenschist facies retrogression. S3 in rodingites is marked by Fe-chlorite, replacing zoisite. Both S2 and S3 affect the reaction rim underlying the serpentinite and rodingite boundaries, which consists of chloritic schist.

The last group of ductile structures is D4 metric open folds with a sub-horizontal axial plane.

Structural mapping allowed the correlation of HP fabrics between metagabbros and rodingites, making possible to identify the HP assemblages in S1 and S2 fabrics in eclogitised rodingites: S1- garnet1, Mg-chlorite1, epidote-clinozoisite1, clynopiroxene1, vesuvianite1, titanite1 + amphibole; S2 – Mg-chlorite2, vesuvianite2, clinopyroxene2, epidote-clinozoisite2, garnet2 (in veins), titanite2. These results highlight that vesuvianite forms together with chlorite, epidote, garnet, clinopyroxene HP assemblages and syn-D2 recrystallization is associated with Al-increase.

Pre-D3 PT conditions estimated in metagabbro of P ≤ 1.2 GPa for T ˜ 550°C suggests that these can represent the minimal pressure for vesuvianite recristallisation under HP conditions.


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