The Luobusa sample described here, although small, establishes beyond a doubt that this environment exists at depths of more than 300 km, perhaps much more (Yang et al., Geology, 2007; Dobrzhinetskaya et al., PNAS, 2009). The rock consists almost completely of coesite, kyanite, and an unknown amorphous phase, with interstitial and included TiN and the cubic form of BN. The coesite is pseudomorphic after stishovite, the high-pressure polymorph of SiO2 that is not stable at pressures less then 10 GPa at mantle temperatures (~1300¢ªC). TiN, osbornite, has only one previously described terrestrial occurrence but is abundant in meteorites, especially iron meteorites; this is the first recorded natural occurrence of boron nitride. The material also contains many native metals, including native Fe, and also SiC and the high-pressure polymorph of TiO2 that has been described twice previously from UHPM rocks but does not yet have a mineralogical name. The presence of this phase confirms a minimum pressure of ~10 GPa at 1300¢ªC implied by stishovite pseudomorphs.
Despite the abundant evidence of highly-reducing conditions, the massive chromites show high ratios of Fe3+/Fetotal. (Ruskov et al., J. Met. Geol., 2010). Thus, these rocks appear to be the first natural example of pressure-induced disproportion of Fe2+ into Fe3+ plus Fe0 observed in very-high-pressure experiments. The origin of this material is problematic. The high concentration of SiO2 and Al2O3 suggests that this material is perhaps recycled crustal material from the surface. However, nitrogen isotopes are incompatible with such an origin. At minimum, these observations require that the massive chromites carrying the high-pressure signal have their origin at very high pressure, perhaps in the lower mantle. In addition, they require that the surrounding harzburgites must have been solid during upwelling in order to transport the much more dense chromites. Thus, the interpretation of the mantle section of ophiolites needs to be revisited. These rocks are much more than the partial-melting residue of the overlying oceanic crust. It is also critical to realize that the Luobusa chromites are not unique. My colleague, J. Yang, has determined that another ophiolite, from the polar Urals, also contains diamonds, native metals, and SiC. Thus, rather than being a unique curiosity, this mineral assemblage characterizes a subset of ophiolites, the extent of which is not yet known. Thus, this rock and others yet to be describe provide a new window into the deep mantle; only future work will be able to discern how deep; what we see requires a minimum of 300 km but there is not hard upper bound on the depth.