Stable oxygen and carbon isotope data were collected from calcite cement and pulverized-clast subsamples at measured intervals with the composite section. Recycled marine carbonate clasts have the highest δ18O values, -5.79‰ to 10.43‰, whereas Paleogene fluvial cements have the lowest values from -11.76‰ to -1.18‰ (V-PDB). Assuming early fluvial cements formed in equilibrium with shallow groundwater, and an isotopic lapse rate of 2.9‰/km, the precipitation source was likely from the plateau elevated 4.0 ± 0.5 km asl, or ~3.5 km above the elevation of the early Eocene Bighorn Basin. This elevation difference is higher than the modern difference of 1.5 to 2.5 km. δ13C values from fluvial cements range from -3.63‰ to 2.61‰ (V-PDB) with little systematic change, which is consistent with the presence of a warming climate by the early Eocene.
Petrographic data from sandstones in the western Bighorn Basin show calcite cements constituting up to 40% of proximal sandstones. A high initial porosity with uniform intergranular sparite growth has been interpreted as a primary diagenetic calcite, supporting the use of stable isotopes as a proxy for paleoclimate. However, some samples displayed grains with carbonate replacement. Provenance of sandstone modal compositions indicate the proximal sediments were derived from a recycled orogen and exhibit an unroofing sequence; this is consistent with other Laramide basins where Mesozoic through Archean source rocks progressively eroded during the Paleogene. Further aspects of this study include the synthesis of magnetic-reversal stratigraphy for the type section to provide better age control. These interdisciplinary datasets aim to correlate proximal sedimentation off the Beartooth Plateau with the well-defined formations within the Bighorn Basin.