10Be is clearly the workhorse of CNs for surface exposure dating, yet in certain situations its long half-life works against it. For example, in glaciated regions that have been covered by cold-based or polythermal ice, varying degrees of glacial erosion can yield bedrock and/or erratics with a significant 10Be signal inherited from prior exposures. Furthermore, ratios of long-lived CNs such as 26Al/10Be are insensitive to burial related to the last glaciation. Combining these with measurements of in situ 14C, however, can resolve Holocene and latest Pleistocene burial/exposure histories, since in situ 14C will decay to near-background concentrations after cover by non-erosive ice for 20-30 kyr (e.g., Miller et al., 2006). New data from Baffin Island will illustrate this.
As another example, Goehring et al. (2011) developed a novel method of using this differential decay to elucidate Holocene erosion rates and changes in glacier length relative to the present. If a suite of samples with the same exposure/burial history is collected from proglacial bedrock, paired measurements of 10Be and 14C allow the erosion rate for each sample to be uniquely determined for each sample. Alternatively, if a suite of samples is collected with the same glacial erosion history, the exposure/burial history can be determined for all of the samples. If enough samples are collected with the same exposure/burial history, both the exposure history and erosion rate for each sample can be determined.
Goehring et al., 2011. Geology 39(7), p. 679; Miller et al., 2006, Quat. Geochron. 1(1), p. 74.