Now composed of higher education faculty, staff and students, geoscience industry representatives, disabilities education researchers and members of the global community, the advisory committee is charged with identifying current research practices and geoscience opportunities for underrepresented students with disabilities. Additionally, the IAGD ultimately seeks to raise awareness of improving access, inclusion and accommodation to the geoscience disciplines to these student populations.
This presentation will discuss the establishment of the IAGD in light of the launching of a new global research community. This community will be a resource where the geoscience education researchers can upload and share information about projects that enhance accessibility and create learning opportunities to diverse student participation. In order to begin creating a community of innovative instructional practices, a central location is being developed that provides information about past and current projects that researchers can review. It is the purpose of such a resource to drive innovation and reduce spending time on work already completed or proposed and to encourage researchers to plan, communicate and build collaborations about future projects.