In this study, we explicitly account for channel width variations using new quantitative methods to estimate river incision potential and its relationship to subsurface fault geometry in active landscapes. We apply this method to the Chandigarh and Mohand anticlines, two active fault-bend folds associated with the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) in northwestern India. We use digital topography and high resolution (5 m) satellite images to measure channel widths and gradients over ~100 channels draining both flanks. We then normalize channel widths and slopes to upstream drainage area yielding two tectonically sensitive morphometrics: normalized width index (kwn) and normalized steepness index (ksn).
Our observations show that both kwn and ksn vary systematically with changes in fault dip at depth inferred from balanced cross sections. For example, at locations where channels cross a kink in the HFT ramp at depth, kwn decreases by ~15% and ksn increases by ~18%. The steeper dipping fault segment translates to higher relative rock uplift rate thereby causing the channels to narrow and steepen. Where channels cross into an erosionally resistant bedrock lithology, kwn decreases by ~33% and ksn increases by ~50%. By interpolating these zones of reduced kwn and high ksn, we map the change in fault dip at depth and the lithologic contact of the erosionally resistant layer along strike. In future work, we plan to quantify variations in bedrock erodibility to account for both the influence of relative rock uplift rate and substrate strength on channel form with implications for the HFT and more generally, extracting tectonic information from emerging topography in these settings.