Here, we examine the interaction of a fast-flowing ice stream with a slippery bed by coupling a higher-order ice sheet model to a Coulomb-plastic subglacial processes model. The main difference compared to previous studies is that sediment transfer according to our model exclusively occurs from the development and fate of a debris-bearing basal ice layer. We run the model for 20,000 years and find that the inherent instability of ice streams cause erosion and sediment transport in asynchronous stages. Whereas erosion is high due to freeze-on of sediment when the ice stream stops, the rate of sediment transport is low due to low velocity. The latter is high when the ice stream is active because debris is transported in the basal ice layer. Erosion is on the other hand greatly reduced because fast sliding promotes basal melting.
We show that hydrologic forcing of the ice stream increases not only the flow speed of the active ice stream, but also the erosion rate of the subsequent ‘inactive’ period of stagnation. As a consequence of hydrologic forcing, the basal ice layer becomes thicker and richer in debris, and its formation is a very effective mechanism of sediment transfer. To verify the simulated development of basal ice, we use borehole camera imagery acquired from the basal zone of Kamb Ice Stream in Antarctica.